Best Short Film:
by Kristóf Szalay (Hungary)
Best Documentary
by Daniele Pignatelli (Italy)
Best Film:
by Muzaffarkhon Erkinov and Muzaffar Karabayev (Uzbekistan)
Best Director:
Alexandre Machafer for JORGE DA CAPADÓCIA (Brazil)
Special Mention
For Social Merits and Fight Against Bullying
Short Film “Ninò” by Michele Li Volsi
Capax Dei Award for Evangelization:
THE JEWS OF LACKENBACH by Norbert Blecha (Austria)
The 15th edition of the International Catholic Film Festival will take place from Monday, 12th of February to Thursday, 15th of February 2024.
The event started with the intention of giving space to producers and filmmakers, documentaries, docu-fiction, TV series, short films and programs that promote universal moral values and positive models.
Because of our increasing success, this year we received more than 2,000 films. If the sanitary conditions allow us, the Festival takes place physically. Otherwise, it will be virtual. We'll keep you updated.
The films in competition have a common element: they promote universal moral values and positive models.
See the 2022 Edition's list here.
Our Festival is independent, conceived and created by Liana Marabini. It was founded in 2010 under the high patronage of the Pontifical Council for Culture, and aims to show the Church from a new perspective: glamourous and traditional.
Mirabile Dictu (Wonderful to Relate, in Latin) is a privileged place of encounter for actors, directors and film makers, gathered by the concern they may have for the history and the values of the Church.
The President of the Festival, Liana Marabini, is a film producer, filmmaker and publisher. She consecrates her work to the history of the Church, and is particularly concerned by the religious language and communication, something that emerges in the films she produces and the books she publishes.
The prize of the Festival, “Il Pesce d’Argento” (The Silver Fish, in Italian), is inspired by the first Christian symbol.
See the 2022 Edition Winners
Our Festival is mentioned in Wikipedia, in the section about the Pontifical Council for Culture: