Application Form 2025

MIRABILE DICTU International Catholic Film Festival12th – 15th of February 2025


1. Read carefully the Articles of the Rules and Regulations

2. Fill in the Application Form.

3. Sign at the end of document.

4. Send the signed document together with a permanent link* for the vision of your film at:

*Please notice that your link should not expire (indeed, some web servers such as WeTransfer, delete your files after one week or two, and we won’t be able to read/screen your film. Please avoid formats that require downloads, we cannot download hundreds of films). Instead, you may use YouTube/other permanent links.

Article 1

The spirit of the Festival Mirabile Dictu is one of friendship and universal cooperation. Its aim is to reveal and focus attention on works of quality, presenting moral values, human virtues and positive characters, in order to contribute to the world evangelization and to encourage development of the film industry for this purpose.

Article 2

The 15th Festival Mirabile Dictu will be held from Monday 12th of February to Thursday 15th of February 2025. Considering the situation created by the coronavirus and ignoring for the moment the implications, no place of gathering of the jury is decided. Each member fo the jury will watch the selected movies from home and send their votations by email to the President. If the health situation of the planet will change, we will advise about the modifications of this initial program.

Article 3

Only films (feature, documentaries and short) that meet the following conditions may be chosen for the pre-selection to the Official Selection:

• Films that express moral values and positive heroes.
• A selection is international if it presents films from different countries, including non-Catholic countries.
• Films whose dialogues don’t contain bad words, insults and blasphemies. We don’t accept films with explicit sex. Scenes and heavily violent scenes.


Short films:
Less than 20 minutes, including credits.

Less than 60 minutes, including credits.

Feature films:
Less than 140 minutes, including credits.

Unusual program lengths (longer or shorter than the specified ones) may be accommodated at the discretion of the President. Contact her at


The deadline for sending the Application Form and the permanent link* for watching the film online is the 31st of December 2024.


• Permanent link* for watching the film, with at least 720p HD quality (1280 x 720 pixels, format 16/9).

• Synopsis in English or Italian of maximum 2 pages.

• Names of the cast and crew, with evidence on the producer, director, scriptwriter and main actors.

• Name, address, phone number, email address of the sender.

• Name, address, phone number, email address of the rights holder.


The Selection Committee will accept films with the following characteristics:

• WITHOUT subtitles IF the original language is English or Italian.
• WITH English or Italian subtitles for all other original languages.


You will receive an email informing you about the selection of your film for the final competition before the 20th of January 2025.

Your film, together with all the films in final competition will make the subject of the section “Tickets”.

Article 4

Once a film has been selected for the Final Competition, it cannot be withdrawn from the Festival program during the event.

Article 5

All films must be presented in their original language, with English or Italian subtitles. By “original language” is meant the one in which a film is or will be exhibited in its country of origin. It is for the Board of Directors to decide whether or not a film that does not exactly meet this criterion may participate in the Festival. All subtitling expenses are to be met by the film’s producer. Moreover, all films with dialogues in a language different from English or Italian will be subtitled in English or Italian.

Article 6

The Board of Directors and the President of the Festival designate the foreign and Italian members of the Jury as well as its President. Each Jury member votes by secret ballot. Decisions will be reached by an absolute majority of votes. The President of the Festival will receive Jury deliberations but will take no part in the voting. She will communicate in the website of the Festival the names of the winners. No person having taken part in the production or exploitation of a film in competition may be on the Jury.

Article 7

The Jury will award “Il Pesce d’Argento” (The Silver Fish) to the following categories:

• The Best Short Film
• The Best Documentary
• The Best Director
• The Best Film

Besides, two awards will be given:

• Capax Dei Foundation Award, given by this Foundation’s President to the most significative Catholic subject among all the Films in Final Competition.

• Lifetime Achievement Award.

Article 8

Films to be submitted for the Pre-Selection must be entered by December 31, 2024. The required support is any HD online media, with the related permanent access link*.

Article 9

All expenses related to the films presented to the Selection Committee with a view to their possible selection, are to be met by the film’s producers or relevant body.

All expenses for the online publication, storage and insurances are also the responsibility of their owner(s).

The films that will not fulfill these conditions will be rejected.

The Festival will inform only and exclusively the owner and the sender of the films chosen for the Final Competition.

Article 10

The President of the Festival “Mirabile Dictu” has the power to settle all cases not covered by the present rules and regulations.

Article 11

Participation in the Festival “Mirabile Dictu” implies acceptance of all the aforementioned rules and regulations and respect of the Application Form 2025.

Article 12

The film producers (or relevant body) of the films arrived in Final Selection will be informed about it before the 20th of January 2025 through email. It’s up to them to participate to the Award Ceremony, (that will take place on the 15th of February 2025) on their own expenses. A fix fee of 80 euros per person must be paid for the dinner, by bank transfer to the following coordinates:

Mirabile Dictu srl – IBAN: IT32I0200822700000100612739 – SWIFT/BIC: UNCRITM1D05

Article 13

In order to consider valid the Application Form, this list of Rules & Regulations together with the Application Form must be signed by the applicants. Should any dispute arise regarding the interpretation of an article in these regulations, their original Italian version is binding.

APPLICATION FORM for the pre-selection of my film to the Mirabile Dictu Festival: